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Location: Cambodia

Tim was born on December 25th, 1978. Tiffany was born on March 22nd, 1980. Tim and Tiffany were united in marriage on July 7th, 2001.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Learning a Lesson in Home Ministries

After our first journey to the Dakotas last August and September, we came home to Indiana with a big problem. We had not scheduled any speaking engagements for the months of October and November. Those months passed very slowly, and we were not getting anywhere with our support raising. This time, while we were in the Dakotas, we learned our lesson. King Soloman speaks about this in book of Proverbs… “I applied my heart to what I observed and learned a lesson from what I saw:” Proverbs 24:32 The book of Proverbs is full of wisdom about daily living and prosperity, and we observed our mistake in the previous months. We spent several weeks calling the churches all over the Midwest, and we were able to schedule churches over the months of April and May, after we returned from the Dakotas. We “learned a lesson from what “we” saw.”

The first church that we spoke to was Trinity Wesleyan in Lima, OH. We are originally from the Bluffton area, which is only thirty miles from Lima, so therefore, we invited a number of our family and friends to come to hear us share with the congregation at Trinity. It was a blessed morning, not just because our family was there, but because the wonderful people of Trinity welcomed us into their service, worshipped God with their hearts, and responded to the message of God’s Mission to reach the lost in Cambodia. We want to thank all of them for their support, and a special thanks goes to Pastor Eric Allen for allowing us to come to speak to his congregation.

The following Sunday, we traveled to Barberton, OH, which is about 10 miles west of Akron, where we spoke to Calvary Wesleyan Church. We learned another lesson of a different kind while we were at Calvary; don’t depend too much on equipment. Our presentation would not work with their system, so we prayed that God would allow us to be more articulate and expressive as we shared with the congregation. God answered that prayer, and He also provided a great amount of financial and prayer support from the church. The prayer support from this church is exceptional for it truly is a praying church. Brother Rollan Hall heads up a Prayer Force Team that lifts up the concerns and vision of the church to the Lord, and we feel very lucky to be on the prayer list of these warriors.

As we walk through life, whether we are doing ordinary, everyday tasks, or if it concerng our time of Team building here in the United States, God wants us to be listening to Him, to learn from His teaching in our lives. The verse that Tiffany and I have chosen for our ministry in Cambodia is Romans 8:28 “For in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” In all experiences, positive or negative, God can use them to improve your walk here on Earth, to deepen your relationship and dependence on Him. That is my prayer for myself, my wife, and all of you as I close this update; that we all continue looking to God for direction, for guidance, and for His wisdom as we serve Him wherever that may be.

Only by Grace,
Tim and Tiffany Gallant


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