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Location: Cambodia

Tim was born on December 25th, 1978. Tiffany was born on March 22nd, 1980. Tim and Tiffany were united in marriage on July 7th, 2001.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Forsyth and Miles City Wesleyan

When I was growing up, Montana and Wyoming were always those states on the map that never interested me very much, and I never had much of a desire to visit them. They just did not seem very exciting. However, as I look back on our experiences during this trip through Montana and Wyoming, my mind has changed. These states are treasures, and the people who call them home are treasures as well. To see a few scenic pictures of Wyoming and Montana, click here.

We arrived at Forsyth Wesleyan on the 25th of September, and we were greeted by the pastor of the church. To say that Darrel White is not the typical Wesleyan pastor is like saying that the state of Wyoming has a few antelope (for clarification Wyoming has more antelope than people). Pastor Darrel is 6’5”, and he refuses to be called Pastor White, which got Tiffany in a lot of trouble as she found it hard to call him by his first name. However, in all of our travels, we have not met a more fun-loving and thoughtful pastor, and we enjoyed our time with him and his family.

Our time of sharing at the church on Sunday was great as we were able to share about Cambodia during the church service and also share our testimonies with Doug Roberts’ Sunday school class. After the service, we were also invited to a pot-luck in the church where we shared in great food and conversation with the congregation of the church.

The following weekend was again spent in Montana. On Friday, we returned to Forsyth so that Tiffany could attend their Women’s retreat. As Tiffany had fun with the ladies as they learned about being a “Mary in a Martha World”, Darrel and I had fun watching movies and sports and playing video games. It was a relaxing time after so many days on the road.

That Sunday we spoke at Miles City Wesleyan, which is about 40 miles east of Forsyth. We spoke to a combined children’s Sunday School where we shared about the country of Cambodia and what we, as missionaries, will be doing in the country. We also shared the salvation plan with the kids, explaining to them that sharing Jesus with others is always our most important job.

After sharing with the morning service at the church, which went very well with several new individuals joining our support team notably young Caitlin (pictured here) who committed to be on our prayer team, we went downstairs for dinner with the congregation. We were honored to hear that they had moved their monthly dinner up on the calendar so that we could attend, but sadly that meant that Pastor Tom and his family would miss out because they were out of town that weekend. Pastor, if you are reading this, the food was wonderful, especially the three-bean casserole.

We have traveled to a great number of churches during this trip, and we have told you about our experiences in speaking so far in these blog entries. However, for those of you who have never traveled to Wyoming or Montana, these states have certain features that make them uniquely beautiful. We had a chance to visit Spearfish Canyon and Devils Tower and several other locations. We took a great number of pictures that you can see if you click here.

As we were driving home after speaking at Miles City, we crossed the line between Wyoming and South Dakota, and a certain sadness passed over us as we thought that it would be over two years before we would be able to return. However, we know that God is calling us to serve Him in Cambodia, and we are going with the support of the Christian brothers and sisters we have met in our travels through Wyoming and Montana.


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